Liposuction in a Nutshell
Pricing varies based on your personal goals and the work that needs to be done. Kindly schedule a consultation at no charge, so we can give you a more accurate estimate.
1 – 3 Hours
- Invasiveness 70%
- Pain Factor 70%
Local, Spinal or General Anesthesia
4 - 6 Weeks until Resuming Physical Exercise
What is
Liposuction Surgery?
The procedure is performed on localized, bothersome areas by suctioning fat through surgical instruments called liposuction cannulas.
At TCC, we offer two advanced forms of liposuction: Power Assisted Liposuction, also called PAL®, which uses vibration to assist in fat removal, and 4D High Definition Liposuction & Abdominal Etching, which is by utilizing ultrasound assisted liposuction and the expertise of Toronto Cosmetic Clinic’s surgeon, large pockets of fat can be removed while the contours of your muscles are enhanced. Both options provide smoother results, and quicker recovery.
Learn more about
What Liposuction Can Do for You?
Liposuction Surgery Cost
How is Liposuction Performed?
Step-by-Step: Liposuction Surgery
Recovery From Liposuction
VASERLIPO®: Abdominal Etching
Power Assisted Liposuction
What Areas Can be Treated?
The Best Candidate
Is Liposuction Safe?
What is Gynecomastia?
More On Liposuction
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Do For You
Permanent Fat-Cell Removal:
When you lose weight, your fat cells simply shrink—they don’t go away. They can always enlarge again, which is why it’s sometimes so difficult to keep weight off. Liposuction removes the fat cells completely, making it impossible to regain weight in the treated areas.
Other Body Area Enhancements:
Once liposuction is performed on one area of your body, you can get a fat transfer to enhance another area of your body. For example, you can enlarge your breasts, or get a Brazilian butt lift with a fat transfer. This allows you to further shape your body with fewer potential complications than are sometimes presented by implants.
Health Improvement:
Carrying excess fat can cause a multitude of health problems. Liposuction can help reduce the risk of developing health issues, and when combined with a reasonable regimen of diet and exercise, improve your overall health and wellness.
Cost of
Liposuction Surgery?
Other forms of anesthesia (local, sedation) can also influence the overall liposuction cost. Having liposuction on more than one area will also add to the price.
How is Liposuction
Your plastic surgeon will assess you, taking into account your specific needs and medical history. Together, you'll discuss your options, and ensure you are informed so you can prepare for liposuction.
While you are standing, your surgeon will make marks on your body to indicate your desired target areas. These markings will be used as guidelines during the procedure.
Depending on the size of the area where you're having liposuction, you will be sedated, or receive local or general anesthesia to keep you comfortable during the procedure. In addition, prior to liposuction, a solution of highly diluted anesthesia is injected into the marked areas. This solution will constrict blood vessels to minimize blood loss.
Tiny incisions are made to allow the liposuction cannulas, which are connected to a suction machine, to enter your body and remove the subcutaneous fat from the marked areas. The incisions are made to be as inconspicuous as possible, and we use small cannulas to minimize scarring, and to provide smoother, more even results.
A cannula is placed into the incisions, and carefully slid under the skin and into the underlying layer of fat. It is then gently moved back and forth to dislodge the fat cells, and remove them from your body.
After Surgery:
The incisions made during the procedure are either sewn closed with one or two stitches, or left open to drain, and the incision areas are wrapped in gauze. Once you've awakened fully from the anesthesia, our surgical staff will help you put on a liposuction compression garment, and provide you with post-surgical care instructions, and you'll be able to go home.
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Step-by-Step: Liposuction Surgery
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What Areas Can be Treated
with Liposuction?
Abdomen and Love Handles
Inner Thighs
Outer Thighs
Lower Legs
Face and Neck
Female Breasts
Male Breasts (Gynecomastia)
Recovery From Surgery
Managing swelling and bruising depends greatly on your following your surgeon's care instructions. You'll also receive pain medication to help alleviate discomfort. You should be able to return to work in two to five days, but will need to wait approximately four to six week before resuming physical exercise.
VASERLIPO®: Abdominal Etching
- Ultrasound waves gently soften and remove fat, which decreases the amount of trauma to surrounding tissues.
- Less bruising, less swelling and less pain is experienced after surgery = minimized recovery period.
- The highly precise method allows for high definition body contouring and etching around the muscles.
- Technique is delicate enough to use on smaller areas of the body yet powerful enough to remove large amounts of unwanted fat.
- Since fat is removed in such a delicate manner, it can be safely used for fat transfer.
- If you do not seek the expertise of a skilled surgeon you risk the chance of poor body contouring.
Power Assisted Liposuction
With PAL®, the cannula vibrates so rapidly, its movement is almost invisible to the eye. It reduces the need for the manual movement of the cannula necessary in traditional liposuction, making the procedure more comfortable for both the patient and the doctor. This form of liposuction has been shown to help reduce hematoma (blood clots), seroma (fluid buildup under the skin), and bleeding during surgery. It also causes less trauma to nearby cells, which is what reduces bruising and post-surgical discomfort.
In addition, PAL® does not use heat, thereby reducing the risk of unintentional burning of the surrounding tissue, which, with other methods, is a liposuction risk.
We also offer 4D High Definition Liposuction & Abdominal Etching. When you schedule your consultation, your doctor will explain both options, and help you decide which one is best for you.
The Best Liposuction Candidates?
The best liposuction candidates:
- Should have firmer, more elastic skin. As older patients tend to have less elasticity in their skin, they their results may vary from those of a younger person.
- Should not be extremely overweight. Average or only slightly above-average weight is best, and one of the most important factors is that your weight be stable.
- Is in overall good health. If you have existing health conditions, they may worsened by liposuction, or any elective surgery. Be sure to disclose any and all existing conditions to your doctor during your initial consultation.
- Has concentrated pockets of pinchable fat that have not responded to diet and exercise.
Is Liposuction Safe?
In addition, technological advances have made liposuction much safer than it has been in previous decades. At TCC, your safety is our number one priority. If you have any concerns about the safety of liposuction or any other procedure, please don’t hesitate to ask, and we’ll be happy to provide you with more information about the steps we take to ensure your safety.
What is
Gynecomastia can be easily remedied with liposuction. There’s no need to hide your chest under your clothes, or be afraid to swim in public. You can get the manly chest you want, and boost your self-esteem at the same time. schedule your consultation and let us help you live a more confident life.
More On
Liposuction Surgery
Question & Answer
What won’t liposuction correct?
Liposuction does not remove visceral fat. This is the hard fat in your abdomen that surrounds your organs. Only proper diet and exercise will help this.
What areas cannot be targeted with liposuction?
It is dangerous to target the area behind the knee with liposuction, as vital nerves and blood vessels are present.
Does liposuction remove cellulite?
Liposuction can minimize the amount of cellulite in an area, dramatically reducing the “orange peel” appearance of the skin. However, it is best to consult a physician to find out whether liposuction is suitable to remove cellulite on your body. A different cellulite treatment method may be more suitable for you.
Is liposuction painful?
Anesthesia will be administered during the procedure, whether it be local or general. As a result, you will not feel any pain during treatment. In addition, medication will be prescribed to minimize pain following surgery.
Does liposuction remove stretch marks?
No. However, we do offer alternative stretch mark removal treatments. One method we offer is fractional laser resurfacing. While this may not remove them completely, it does help to minimize their appearance.
Does fat return after liposuction?
Possibly. Because fat cells are actually removed during liposuction, very few fat cells remain in the areas treated. If you exercise and maintain a healthy diet, the results of your liposuction procedure will last as long as age and other such factors don’t take their toll.
However, if you gain fat following the liposuction procedure, you should expect your whole body to experience this weight gain, including the treated area. Fortunately, only the few fat cells remaining in the area will be affected, reducing the gain in that area. You will never be able to accumulate as much fat in that area as you had before treatment.
Can I treat more than one area in one session?
Yes! You can treat more than one area as long as you have pinchable fat in all the areas you wish to treat.
Is it true that fat cells never go away?
Yes. Fat cells die and are replaced throughout our lifetimes, just like other cells in the body. And when you lose weight, fat cells reduce in size, but do not go away. However, we know that fat cells removed by liposuction generally can’t be replaced by the body. When they’re gone, they’re gone forever.