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Facelift in a Nutshell

Average Cost

Pricing varies based on your personal goals and the work that needs to be done. Kindly schedule a consultation at no charge, so we can give you a more accurate estimate.

Surgery Length

4 – 6 Hours
  • Invasiveness 90% 90%
  • Pain Factor 80% 80%
Synopsis of Surgery:
A facelift is an elective cosmetic surgery in which sagging facial tissue is removed, and facial muscles are tightened to achieve a more youthful appearance.
Alternative Names:
General Anesthesia
7 – 10 days off from work

Why choose

You’ve probably been hearing about facelifts for years, and you may have an idea of what it entails. What you may not know, though, is that a facelift doesn’t have to mean surgery on your entire face. As we age, our skin begins to lose its elasticity, and starts to sag. Our facial muscles also loosen, so they’re unable to hold up the facial tissue as well as they used to. Every person is different, and for some, this may occur all over the face, while others experience it more in just one or two areas of the face. Genetics and lifestyle have a lot to do with this.

Also called a rhytidectomy, a facelift is pretty much what it sounds like—a surgical lifting of sagging facial tissue to restore your tighter, smoother, youthful appearance. Contrary to what you may believe (or what you may have seen in certain celebrity photos), a facelift should not be a procedure that makes you look like a completely different person, but a rejuvenation. That’s what we strive for in our clinic—an improved you.

Full Facelift

Mini Facelift

Mid Facelift

Lower Facelift

Facelift Cost

How is a Full Facelift Performed?

Neck Lift

Facelift Recovery

Frequently Asked Questions

Facelift Types

Your genetics, your lifestyle choices, and the way you’ve cared for your skin over the years will determine how your skin ages, and how the effects of aging appear on your face. Depending on your specific situation, our surgeon will help you determine the best facelift type for you.


This procedure removes excess skin and fat pockets under the eyes.

To reduce visible scarring, your surgeon may perform a transconjunctival blepharoplasty, which means the incisions are made and the fat extracted from the inside of the eyelid.


This procedure entails removing less skin than a full facelift, and does not include tightening the deeper facial tissue.

A mini facelift is often sought by those who have undergone a full facelift, and want a “refreshment” to maintain those initial results.

However, you can also opt for it if you just need a small amount of correction in the cheeks and jowls.


Sometimes called a cheek lift, a mid facelift focuses on the center region of the face, and spans from the corners of your eyes to the sides of your mouth.

It corrects sagging tissue, particularly the nasolabial folds, the lines that run from the outsides of your nostrils to the corners of your mouth.


Although this is called a lower facelift, the incisions are usually made in the hairline and behind or in front of the ears.

This is to pull the tissues in the lower face—the jowls and neck—upward, and restore a tighter, more youthful look along the jawline.

Cost of
Facelift Surgery?

Because every face is different, and there are so many surgical options, it's difficult to pin down facelift cost without first conducting a consultation with you. Once you meet our surgeon, he'll be able to examine your face, listen to your concerns, and recommend a treatment to help you achieve your goals. At that time, we'll be able to provide you with an accurate facelift cost.

To give you an idea though, at our clinic, the facelift costs generally starts at $16,000 plus tax. This includes general anesthesia. If you opt for additional procedures such as blepharoplasty or face liposuction, your overall facelift cost will increase, but will be lower than if you had each procedure separately.

How is Full Facelift

The first step is to come in for a FREE consultation so our surgeon can examine your face, discuss your concerns and goals, and determine how best to proceed.

You will be placed under general anesthesia, so you will not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Your surgeon will make several tiny incisions just inside your hairline, at your temples, and then extending from the front of your ear, around your earlobe, and behind your ear, ending at your scalp.

He will then gently pull your skin taut, to the point where it's lifted, but still looks natural, and then cut away the excess skin. He'll also tighten the muscles and connective tissues underneath your skin so they can better support your facial skin, and maintain your facelift results for a longer period of time.

Full facelift surgery lasts, on average, five to six hours. Once the procedure is complete, your surgeon will close all the incisions with small sutures in an effort to minimize scarring.

In our clinic, a facelift is an outpatient procedure, meaning you don't have to stay overnight, and can go home the same day. Because you will have been under general anesthesia, you'll need someone to drive you home, and stay with you, at least until the effects of the anesthesia have worn off.

It's important to remember that everyone's results will vary based on several factors, including but not limited to age, gender, weight, and underlying bone structure.

Associated Procedures

To achieve full facial rejuvenation, you may opt to have additional procedures performed simultaneously with your facelift, such as:
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Neck Lift

If you’re more concerned with your neck’s appearance, you may not need a facelift at all, but just a neck lift. In addition to the skin sagging over time, the muscles that run from your chin to your sternum—called platysmal bands—also weaken with age. When this occurs, they can no longer support your neck tissues as well as they did before, which further contributes to its sagging appearance.

A neck lift can be performed with a local anesthetic. It entails making a small incision just under your chin, which will allow your surgeon to both tighten the underlying muscles and lift the sagging skin. If any excess fat is present, he may also perform neck liposuction to further slim and smooth your neck.

Have your procedure now, make payments later!

Facelift Recovery

You'll need at least seven to ten days to begin your facelift recovery, so be sure to schedule that time off from work, if necessary, before you have your procedure. However, it may take up to two weeks for the bruising and swelling to completely subside.

You'll also need to wear a special compression garment around your head and neck for two to three weeks to help manage swelling. In some cases, drainage tubes are inserted into the incisions to prevent fluid accumulation. These are usually removed a few days after surgery. You'll also need to sleep with your head elevated for several days—possibly longer—after your facelift.

In the weeks following your facelift, numbness in the skin on your face and around your ears. This is usually caused by a bruising of the facial nerves during surgery, and is normal and temporary. On occasion, permanent nerve damage can result from a facelift, but this is a rare occurrence.

You may also experience some facial discoloration once healing begins, which may take a few months to disappear, as well as a feeling of tightness when opening your mouth. This is also normal, and temporary.

You can expect to see your final facelift results in about six months. If you had any associated procedures performed simultaneously, your recovery period will likely last longer, and it may also be longer before you see the final results.
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FaceLift (Rhytidectomy)
Question & Answer

  • What does a facelift not correct?

    A facelift is not to be confused with a forehead lift or brow lift. Even though the forehead is part of the face, a facelift addresses more of the mid to lower region of the face. A forehead lift or brow lift are separate procedures that can be performed simultaneously with a facelift.

    A facelift also does not correct signs of aging around the eye area. A blepharoplasty will correct the tissue and skin around the eyes. It’s one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed simultaneously with a facelift.

  • Are there alternatives to facelift surgery?

    The facelift procedure is designed for dramatic rejuvenation, and is not recommended for the removal of fine wrinkles. For this type of minor issue, we recommend dermal fillers or laser skin resurfacing.

  • How long do facelift results last?

    On average, eight to ten years—if you take good care of yourself, and lead a healthy lifestyle. A mini facelift later on can help maintain results, if necessary.

  • How visible are facelift scars?

    Our surgeon does his best to make the facelift incisions as inconspicuous as possible. Most of the incisions are made in the natural creases along and behind the ear, so they’re hardly noticeable. For the first couple months, until the redness subsides, covering them with makeup will help.

  • What are the facelift risks?

    Facelift risks include, but are not limted to:

    • infection
    • hematoma
    • nerve damage
    • reaction to anesthesia
    • scarring
    • hair loss at the incision sites

    Your surgeon will discuss these possible complications with you in more detail.

  • Should I lose weight before or after my facelift?

    Any surgery should be done when you are at your best, maintainable health. If you plan on losing weight, we highly recommend you lose it and make sure you are able to maintain it before you come in for your facelift. This is because your facelift will be designed for the body you have at the time of procedure. Dramatic changes to your weight could have a negative effect on your facelift results.

  • Will I look like a different person?

    No. The most successful facelifts are those that create a look of youthfulness and rest. You will still look like you, but a happier, younger, well-rested you.

  • How long does facelift recovery take?

    A full facelift procedure is quite complex and initial swelling can last up to three months. It will also take quite a while for your muscles and tissue will naturally settle into their new positions. You should see the final results of your facelift in about six months, but everyone’s experience will vary.

  • How do I sleep after my facelift?

    You should sleep with your head elevated above your heart after your facelift procedure. This prevents venous congestion at the surgical site, and also prevents swelling.

  • Can I get my hair colored after my facelift?

    Generally, you can resume coloring your hair four to six weeks after your facelift. This is assuming that all of your incisions have healed properly, and you have no openings or complications. Check with your doctor to be sure.

  • How long do I have to wait to fly after my facelift?

    We recommend you wait at least two weeks after this procedure, assuming it was not extensively complex. If you fly prior to the two-week mark, you risk blood clotting and being affected by the change in air pressure, which can lead to serious complications. After two weeks, flying is generally safe.

  • Can smoking affect my facelift?

    Smoking and nicotine intake must be stopped months prior to your facelift. This is because nicotine can make you more prone to necrosis (skin death), poor healing caused by restricted circulation, and other complications.