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What is a
Clitoral Hood Reduction?

The clitoris is often compared to the penis for the way both function in sexual arousal. Like the glans of the penis, the clitoris also has a glans, or head, which contains a high concentration of nerve endings. When the clitoral head is stimulated, the clitoris becomes erect and engorged, again similar to a penis. This stimulation usually results in sexual arousal, and can sometimes lead to orgasm for some women.

A covering of skin called the prepuce, or the clitoral hood protects the clitoral head. This is the equivalent of the foreskin on a penis. The clitoral hood’s function is to protect the sensitive clitoris from irritation and injury, but also prevents overstimulation in non-sexual situations.

The size of the clitoral hood varies greatly from woman to woman, and is unrelated to the size or height of the woman. In some women, the hood is so large that it prevents the head from being exposed. This may also be caused by such factors as genetics or hormonal changes. An enlarged prepuce can hide the clitoral head, inhibiting sexual arousal, and making it very difficult for some women to achieve sexual gratification.

Clitoral hood reduction, also known as clitoral hoodectomy, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that entails reducing the amount of skin covering the clitoris, thereby facilitating sexual arousal, and making it easier for women to experience sexual gratification.

But clitoral hood reduction surgery isn’t just about sexual function. Some women who have a larger clitoral hood may find snug clothing uncomfortable, or even a little painful. In addition, the clitoral hood may even be visible through fabric, and can be a source of embarrassment for some women. Clitoral hood reduction can improve appearance, and do away with this discomfort.

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How is Clitoral Hood Reduction

The first step is to schedule a FREE consultation so we can discuss the procedure with you and answer any questions you may have.

Clitoral hood reduction is a fairly short, outpatient procedure, meaning you don't have to stay overnight and can go home the same day. It's usually performed with a local anesthetic, but depending on your specific needs, we may use a general anesthesia. During the surgery, a predesignated amount of excess clitoral hood tissue is removed using a specialized laser. The procedure is confined to the hood—the clitoris itself is not altered in any way.

If you wish, simultaneously with the clitoral hood reduction, you may have other procedures performed such as vaginoplasty (vaginal tightening), or labiaplasty.

After the procedure, and once you are fully healed, you should be able to experience sexual arousal and gratification more easily than before. You may also be pleased with the changes in the appearance of your most intimate area.
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Clitoral Hood Reduction
Question & Answer

  • Does clitoral hood reduction cause visible scarring?

    Because this is such a delicate area, clitoral hood reduction is considered microsurgery. This means the incisions will be so tiny and hidden within the folds of the tissue, they will not be noticeable.

  • Can clitoral hood reduction be done with other procedures?

    Yes. Clitoral hood reduction is often done in conjunction with labiaplasty.

  • Can clitoral hood reduction affect the nerves in that area?

    No. When done properly, there is no nerve damage, and you will still have full sensation on and around your clitoris. You may feel numbing during the healing process, but that will subside over time.

  • When can I resume sexual activity?

    You should wait at least one month before having vaginal intercourse. This area is very delicate, and you need to give it time to heal properly. Otherwise, you may experience complications.

  • How long does clitoral hood reduction surgery take?

    Clitoral hood reduction is a fairly short procedure. It usually takes less than one hour. However, every patient is different.

  • When can I go back to work?

    Most women feel well enough to get back to work about two or three days after the procedure, after some rest and icing.

  • What kind of clitoral hood reduction complications can occur?

    Complications are few and rare with this procedure. Some inflammation can occur because of irritation caused by sutures, or by separating the tissues. Infection is rare because you will be given antibiotics to take before the procedure to reduce the risk of infection.

  • How old do I have to be to have clitoral hood reduction surgery?

    This procedure is not discriminatory. As long as your genital area has been fully developed, you can have this procedure done whether you are twenty or sixty years of age.