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Buccal Fat Removal in a Nutshell

Average Cost

Pricing varies based on your personal goals and the work that needs to be done. Kindly schedule a consultation at no charge, so we can give you a more accurate estimate.

Surgery Length

1 Hour
  • Invasiveness 30% 30%
  • Pain Factor 30% 30%
Synopsis of Surgery:
Fat pads from the inner cheeks are removed to create a slimmer face profile.
Alternative Names:
Buccal Fat Excision
Local or General Anesthesia
2 – 3 days off from work
3 – 4 weeks before resuming physical exercise

What is
Buccal Fat Removal?

When we’re young, chubby, round cheeks are a sign of good health and are considered a cute feature. Who doesn’t want to pinch a baby’s chubby little cheeks, right? But when you get older, you may not want that babyish face anymore, preferring instead to look more mature. This is where buccal fat removal may be able to help.

Also called buccal fat extraction and buccal fat excision, buccal fat removal entails removing a small amount of fat from the buccal fat pads in the cheeks. It’s these fat pads that give your cheeks their rounded appearance. For some people, this results in prominent cheeks that may be out of balance with the rest of their facial features. If this applies to you, and you’re self-esteem suffers because of it, buccal fat removal may help balance your features, and restore your confidence.

The Best Buccal Fat Removal

Choosing to undergo any kind of elective surgery is a big decision, with a lot of factors to take into account. Aside from personal reasons, though, some people are better candidates than others. Buccal fat removal may be a good option for you if:

  • you are over the age of 18, ensuring your face is fully developed, and the results of the buccal fat removal will not be affected by further growth.
  • you are in good overall health—physically, mentally and emotionally.
  • you are a non-smoker.
  • you have realistic expectations of what buccal fat removal can do for you.
  • the size of your cheeks is bothersome to you, and has a negative effect on how you feel about yourself.
  • the size and/or shape of your cheeks is out of balance with the rest of your facial features, and you seek a more harmonious appearance.

If you feel you’re a good candidate for buccal fat removal, or you’re not sure and have more questions, please schedule a FREE consultation, and we’ll be happy to help you make an educated decision that’s right for you.

How is Buccal Fat Removal

First, you'll meet with your surgeon to go over your concerns, answer your questions, and discuss your possible results in an effort to ensure your expectations remain realistic.

We'll provide you with detailed instructions to help you prepare for the buccal fat removal surgery. This will help your procedure go more smoothly, and will set you up for a quicker, easier recovery.

Your buccal fat removal procedure will be performed under general anesthesia by an experienced surgeon in our state-of-the-art accredited clinic. Buccal fat removal surgery typically takes approximately an hour to perform. However, this may vary depending on the amount of correction your cheeks need.

During the procedure, your surgeon will make an incision on one side of the inside of your mouth, between your upper molars and inner cheek. He will then apply pressure on the outside of your cheek to push the buccal fat out through the incision, removing small bits of the fat pad a little at a time. This process will then be repeated on the other side of your face. Once the surgery is complete, your doctor will stitch the incisions closed.

Buccal fat removal is an outpatient procedure, meaning you will not have to stay overnight in our clinic. After surgery, our nurses and professional medical staff will monitor you in our comfortable recovery room until you're ready to go home with a friend or loved one.

Cost of
Buccal Fat Removal?

The fee for buccal fat removal ranges, starts at $4,500 to $5,000 plus tax. The range of pricing is based on if the patient opts out of having general anesthesia during the procedure.

Buccal Fat Removal Recovery

After your buccal fat removal surgery, you may want to take a week to ten days off from work to rest and allow your cheeks to begin the healing process. As a result of the buccal fat removal, you'll likely have some swelling and puffiness, not just around your cheeks, but possibly in other areas of your face as well. Any bruising, however, will be on the insides of your cheeks. You may also experience some mild discomfort during recovery, for which your doctor may prescribe pain medicine.

One week after your buccal fat removal, you'll return to our clinic to be examined by your surgeon to make sure healing is progressing well, and that you're not experiencing any complications.

About one or two weeks after surgery, your stitches will be removed. You may still have some bruising and swelling at that point, but it will continue to subside with time. Once the swelling has gone down, you'll be able to see your beautiful new contoured cheeks!
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Buccal Fat Removal
Risks and Complications

No surgery is without some degree of risk and potential complications. The most common side effects of buccal fat removal are bruising, swelling and pain, which are all temporary, and decrease with time.

Potential buccal fat removal complications include scarring, bleeding, infection, and complications related to the administration of anesthesia. More serious possible complications include loss of sensation around the cheeks and jawline, as well as hematoma or seroma.

Should you begin to experience any complications after your buccal fat removal surgery, do not hesitate to contact us or come in for immediate care.

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Buccal Fat Removal
Question & Answer

  • When will I see results?

    Though a change will be apparent about a week or two following surgery, swelling may hide the results. The true buccal fat removal results appear two to four months following surgery.

  • How long do buccal fat removal results last?

    Buccal fat removal will permanently alter the shape and/or size of your cheeks, though your results may be affected if you gain a large amount of weight after your surgery.

  • Will I have any visible buccal fat removal scars?

    No. Any scars resulting from the surgery will be inside your mouth, and not visible to anyone else.

  • Does buccal fat removal hurt?

    General anesthesia is administered during buccal fat removal, so you will not feel anything during the procedure. Following the procedure, your surgeon may prescribe medication to alleviate any pain. Most patients experience more discomfort than pain as they recover.

  • Am I old enough to have buccal fat removal done?

    We strongly recommend buccal fat removal candidates be 18 years old. This is to ensure the face is fully developed as further growth would affect the buccal fat removal results.

  • Will everyone notice that I had buccal fat removal?

    It depends. The point of buccal fat removal is to restore balance to your face and enhance your features. Depending on the amount of correction needed, your face may look different enough for some people to notice. Others may simply think your face has a more harmonious look without realizing exactly why.

  • How soon can I go back to work?

    Typically, you should rest for one week after your buccal fat removal procedure. After one or two weeks, your stitches will be removed, and the swelling should have subsided quite a bit.