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Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)

Rejuvenate your eyes,
Turn the clock back for your entire face.

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)

Rejuvenate your eyes,
Turn the clock back for your entire face.

Blepharoplasty in a Nutshell

Average Cost

$4,000$8,500 Plus HST

Surgery Length

1 – 2 Hours

  • Invasiveness 50% 50%
  • Pain Factor 50% 50%
Synopsis of Surgery:
Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure in which excess skin and fat from the upper or lower eyelids—or both—is removed to improve the appearance, function, or comfort of the eyes.
Alternative Names:
Eyelid Surgery
Local or General Anesthesia
3 – 6 days off from work

What is a

Your eyes are the most expressive part of your face. They’re also one of the primary ways you experience the world around you. As you age, your eyelids may begin to sag, not only affecting your appearance and ability to express yourself, but—in the case of the upper eyelids—possibly even your ability to see properly. For some, this is also exacerbated by a genetic predisposition to droopy eyelids. Lower eyelids may also sag and bulge, giving your face a perpetually tired or sad look.

Blepharoplasty—sometimes also referred to simply as eyelid surgery—is a cosmetic surgical procedure that entails removing excess skin, fat, and weak muscle to improve the appearance of the eyelids, and remove obstruction to your vision. If necessary, both the upper and lower eyelids can be addressed during the same surgery. The end goal is to restore your youthful, well-rested appearance not just in your eyes, but in your entire face.

Learn more about

Why Have Eyelid Surgery?

Blepharoplasty Cost

The Best Candidates for Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty Types

How is Blepharoplasty Performed?

Eyelid Surgery Recovery

Eye Makeup After Surgery

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Have
Eyelid Surgery?

After years of smiling, laughing and crying, your eyes are the first feature on your face to begin showing signs of aging. Not only is the skin around your eyes thinner than the rest of your face, it also has weaker internal support and fewer oil glands.
These factors—combined with sun exposure, stress, fatigue, and genetics—can lead to undesirable eye features such as:

  • excess fat pads in the lower eyelids
  • sagging, droopy upper eyelids
  • puffiness
  • obscured vision (if upper eyelids droop too far down)
  • lack of a double eyelid
Eyelid surgery can:

  • remove excess fat from under the eyes
  • lift sagging, droopy upper eyelids
  • reduce puffiness around the eyes
  • improve vision by removing obstructive eyelids
  • create a double eyelid (if desired)
  • make your entire face look younger, brighter, and more open

Cost of
Eyelid Surgery?

The blepharoplasty cost for the upper eyelids is $4,000 plus tax and for the lower eyelids is $5,000 plus tax. If you decide to proceed with surgery on both the upper and lower eyelids pricing starts at $8,500plus tax.

Best Candidates for Blepharoplasty

Before you undergo eyelid surgery, we recommend that you:

  • are at least 18 years old (for cosmetic procedures)
  • are in good physical, mental and emotional health
  • do not have any medical conditions which may temporarily affect the appearance of your eyes (allergies, thyroid disorders, etc.)
  • do not have any medical conditions which may affect your eyes (diabetes, glaucoma, etc.)
  • have realistic expectations about what eyelid surgery can accomplish, and what kind of results you can achieve
Have your procedure now, make payments later!

Blepharoplasty Types

What type of eyelid surgery you have will depend on the current structure and appearance of your eyelids, whether both upper and lower eyelids are affected, and whether your eyelids are obstructing your vision. Read about eyelid surgery types below, and watch the videos for more information.
This procedure removes excess skin and fat pockets under the eyes. To reduce visible scarring, your surgeon may perform a transconjunctival blepharoplasty, which means the incisions are made and the fat extracted from the inside of the eyelid.

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid Surgery

In this procedure, loose, sagging or drooping skin is removed from the upper lid, making the eyes appear more open, and giving your face a younger appearance. A brow lift can be done at the same time for an overall rejuvenated appearance.
This non-cosmetic form of eyelid surgery alleviates upper eyelid sagging that causes visual obstruction. This condition may cause you to compensate by lifting your eyebrows, thereby resulting in forehead wrinkles. While it is medical in nature, this procedure also results in improved appearance of the eyes.

Upper Blepharoplasty

Eyelid Surgery

Some people of Asian descent are unhappy with the ethnically influenced shape and structure of their eyelids. If you fall into this category, this procedure can create more of an upper eyelid fold, which will help make your eyes appear more open.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

If you’re unsure what type of blepharoplasty is best for you, or you have questions about the procedure, we can provide you with more information and help you make an educated decision about your surgery.
Call Us (416) 221-5554
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How is Blepharoplasty

The first step in having blepharoplasty performed is to schedule a FREE consultation with our surgeon. You'll be able to go over your concerns, ask questions, and learn more about the procedure and anticipated results.

Once you decide to move forward with eyelid surgery, your doctor will provide you with instructions on how to prepare for the procedure, and will inform you about what to expect during recovery.

Blepharoplasty is performed on an outpatient basis, meaning you won't have to stay overnight in our clinic. However, you will need a friend or loved one to accompany you and drive you home. The surgery will take one to three hours, depending on how much correction is necessary. A local anesthetic is used most often, but we can also administer general anesthesia if that will make you more comfortable. Please note, this will increase the overall cost of your surgery.

Before surgery, the area(s) to be corrected will be injected with anesthesia to immobilize the area around your eyes. To correct the upper eyelids, an incision is typically made in the natural eyelid creases. For the lower eyelids, an incision is typically made just underneath the lashes, or inside the lower eyelid. All three locations allow for the scars to be well concealed.

Through the incisions, the necessary amounts of sagging skin and excess fat will be removed. Then, the incisions are closed and dressed. Generally, the scars will heal into thin, fine lines, making them almost impossible to detect.

Your surgeon will prescribe pain medication to alleviate any discomfort, and antibiotic ointment to help prevent infection. You may also receive eye drops. You'll return to the clinic in one week for your follow-up appointment, and your surgeon will provide you with any necessary further instructions at that time.
Before & After
Post Op Care

Eyelid Surgery Recovery

Following your eyelid surgery, expect to feel some degree of soreness around your eyes. You may also see some bruising, which may last from two to four weeks. You may be able to wear eye makeup after eyelid surgery to camouflage bruising and redness. Ask your surgeon when this is recommended.

To promote healing, you'll need to take good care of your eyes after surgery. This will include, but is not limited to keeping your head elevated, limiting physical exertion, and avoiding bright sunlight. You may be able to apply cold compresses to help reduce swelling and discomfort.

For a few weeks following your blepharoplasty, you may experience blurry or double vision. This is temporary. Your eyes may also feel itchy. Your doctor may prescribe eye drops to counter this. About three days after your surgery, you'll be able to read and watch television. In about a week, you'll be able to go back to work; possibly longer if you have a physically demanding job.

Above all, follow the post-surgical instructions your surgeon provides to you.
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Eye Makeup After Surgery

While some bruising is to be expected while you heal, it may be embarrassing to return to work or go out in public looking like you just won a prize fight. This is where eye makeup may be able to help.

First, ask your doctor when you’ll be able to wear makeup. This may be a week or longer after your surgery. Putting it on too soon may interfere with the healing process, and might even cause infection. Once your doctor clears you to wear makeup, follow these tips:

  • Choose hypoallergenic makeup
  • Lightly apply a gentle skin cream around your eyes before applying makeup
  • Remember, less is more—too much makeup will only draw attention to the bruising, and will look unnatural
  • Start with a concealer that offsets the color(s) of your bruising
  • Next, apply a foundation that matches your skin tone as closely as possible
  • If you decide to apply eyeshadow, use a neutral color—stay away from blues, blacks, greens, yellows, purples and reds which will only emphasize the bruises.
  • Remove eye makeup with a gentle, hypoallergenic makeup remover
  • Be very gentle when applying and removing eye makeup. Any pulling or stretching of the skin can cause damage if the area is not fully healed.

If you find makeup irritates your eyes, or causes discomfort, you may be better served by wearing sunglasses instead. In fact, you should always wear sunglasses outside to protect your eyes from bright sunlight and ultraviolet rays. In addition, sunglasses mean you don’t have to squint, which will help you avoid crows feet and other wrinkles around the eyes.

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Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)
Question & Answer

  • When will I see results?

    You’ll see a noticeable difference in your eyes right after surgery, and much better results one to two weeks later, as the swelling subsides. Redness around the incisions takes longer to diminish, usually around four to six weeks.

  • Can I have blepharoplasty done on my lower and upper eyelids at the same time?

    Yes, if you are a good candidate.

  • Are blepharoplasty results permanent?

    Yes. However, they can be adversely affected by childbirth, trauma and aging.

  • Is there a minimum age for eyelid surgery?

    We recommend patients be at least 18 years old before having cosmetic blepharoplasty to ensure development is complete. However, functional upper blepharoplasty may be recommended for younger patients if a medical condition warrants it.

  • What type of anesthesia is used for eyelid surgery?

    Usually, local anesthesia with sedation, but we can use general anesthesia if you prefer, and if your doctor says you’re able to receive it.

  • What are the risks associated with eyelid surgery?

    All surgery carries some risk, and there are a handful of potential blepharoplasty risks and complications. Some of the most common side effects are blurry vision, swelling, discomfort and bruising. All of these side effects are temporary.
    In the event too much fat is removed, hollowness around the eyes may result. The risk of this occurring is dramatically reduced when an experienced and knowledgeable surgeon performs the procedure.

  • Will eyelid surgery get rid of my wrinkles?

    Possibly. Some wrinkles may be removed if they are on the skin that is removed. However, this is not the intended purpose of blepharoplasty. If you’re concerned about crow’s feet, ask us about Wrinkle Removal.

  • What’s a “double” eyelid?

    Many people, particularly those originating from East Asia, do not have a crease in the upper eyelid. As a result, their eyes may appear smaller or less bright than those who do have this crease. This crease in the upper eyelids is also known as a double eyelid, and it’s an aesthetic change achieved by Asian eyelid surgery.