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What is
Laser Vein Removal?

The cardiovascular system is an amazing and complex network of arteries, veins and capillaries, all of which work together to keep our blood oxygenated, and keep us alive. Arteries carry blood away from the heart to be sent to the rest of the body, so they’re larger and stronger. Veins send blood back to the heart, and are smaller, and sometimes weaker. Years and years of transporting blood can take a toll, and many people eventually develop spider veins or varicose veins.

Exactly as its name suggests, laser vein removal is a procedure to remove, or at least reduce the visibility of, veins that have become visible beneath the skin, or that protrude noticeably under the skin, both usually as a result of aging. The procedure restores the smooth, clear look of your skin, and helps you look younger.

Learn more about Laser Vein Removal

What are Spider Veins?

Also called telangiectasias, spider veins are clusters of tiny blood vessels that develop close to the surface of the skin. They’re caused by increased pressure in the veins, which can be a result of standing for long periods. For this reason, people in certain fields such as nursing and teaching are often more susceptible to developing spider veins. However, they may also be hereditary.

Spider veins are often blue, red, or purple, and have the appearance of a spiderweb, which is how they got their name. They’re most often found on the face and legs.

What are Varicose Veins?

When veins become dilated or enlarged, or when blood pools in certain areas, varicose veins may form. Also, when a vein’s valves don’t close properly, blood can pool, thereby dilating the vein, and causing it to protrude beneath the skin. Varicose veins may also appear gnarled, twisted or knotted, and are usually blue or purple.

While they’re more often seen in older people, varicose veins can also be caused by pregnancy. In addition, obesity, family history, sitting or standing for long periods of time, and gender (women get them more often than men) can be contributing factors to developing varicose veins.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Are you troubled by spider veins or varicose veins? Not sure which you have? Come in to see us, and we’ll help you make an educated decision about whether laser vein removal is right for you.
Call Us (416) 221-5554

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How is Laser Vein Removal Performed?

First, we invite you to come in for a consultation so our professional aesthetician can examine your skin and the veins that are troubling you, discuss your goals with you, and make a recommendation for treatment.

Here at TCC, we perform laser vein removal with three state-of-the-art laser systems:
  • Sciton Profile™ featuring Broadband Light (BBL™) technology
  • MedLite® C6
Before the procedure begins, you'll put on special eyewear to protect your eyes from the laser light. Though the laser vein removal treatments are virtually painless, if you have especially sensitive skin, we may apply a numbing cream to the area to be treated to help avoid discomfort. A special cooling device is also used in conjunction with the handheld laser light device to keep the skin cool, reduce discomfort, and reduce the risk of skin injury.

Treatment sessions may take about an hour. The time required will depend on your skin type, the extent of the condition, the number of areas to be treated, and the sizes of those areas. Laser vein removal is customized to each patient based on those factors. Some conditions may require multiple sessions to achieve optimal results. However, some patients do see noticeable improvement after just one session.

Potential side effects of laser vein removal include, but aren't limited to redness and some swelling. There is little to no downtime required, and you should be able to resume your normal daily activities immediately following each session.

How to Prevent
Spider Veins and Varicose Veins

If you already have spider veins or varicose veins, laser vein removal may help do away with them, or at least reduce their visibility, and restore your smooth, clear skin.

If you don’t have either condition, but are concerned about it due to a family history, career field, or other factor, these tips may help keep varicose veins or spider veins from developing.

  • Avoid prolonged sitting and standing. If you must do either, be sure to take regular breaks.
  • Avoid tight socks and knee-high nylons. They can impede the movement of blood up your leg.
  • Avoid tight clothing. Jeans or other garments that are tight around your waist, legs or groin can restrict blood flow.
  • Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes (above 1.5 inches) on a daily basis. This prevents your calf muscle from contracting properly, which will interfere with the movement of blood back toward your heart.
  • Avoid crossing your legs for long periods of time. It interrupts blood flow.
  • Lose weight. Try to achieve the ideal weight for your frame.
  • Reduce your salt intake. Salt causes your body to retain water, which expands blood vessel walls, and subsequently weakens them.
  • Exercise. Regular activity keeps your blood flowing properly, and improves your heart’s performance.
  • Elevate your legs. When sitting for long periods, prop your legs up. If you have a desk job, put a footrest or even just a box under your desk.

Consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program or changing your diet.

What is
Elite iQ™- Leg Vein Removal ?

Light energy is delivered to the skin and is absorbed by the blood within the vein being targeted.Once the blood absorbs the energy, the vein will heat up and it will affect the vessel lining, causing the vessel to constrict and eventually fade from view. No incisions are used, so there is no risk of scarring.

How does it work?

Usually, more than one laser treatment session is needed to see optimal results, and is scheduled every 4-8 weeks.  Gradual results can often be seen over time, and multiple treatments are often needed for the best outcomes. There is no downtime required after laser vein therapy, and patients can return to their normal daily routines as soon as they feel comfortable. Compression stockings may need to be worn for about a week following treatment.

Gradual results can often be seen over time, and multiple treatments are often needed for the best outcomes. Slight swelling or redness may occur temporarily. There is no downtime required after laser vein therapy, and patients can return to their normal daily routines as soon as they feel comfortable. Compression stockings may need to be worn for about a week following treatment.

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