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Getting a tattoo can be a big decision. Depending on the size and complexity, it can take months—sometimes even years—for just one tattoo to be completed. And it’s not something you can change overnight, if at all. Once it’s there, it’s there forever. Or is it?

Aside from those tattoos you plan for and have applied over an extended period of time, there may also be times when you got a silly tattoo on a whim. Or maybe had a significant other’s name tattooed on your body, but they’re not so significant anymore. Or maybe you just no longer like what you had done. The good news is, you no longer have to live with these mistakes and regrets. Laser tattoo removal is a cosmetic procedure that uses laser technology to remove unwanted tattoos.

What is
Laser Tattoo Removal?

How Does
Laser Tattoo Removal

At TCC, we proudly utilize Cynosure’s PicoSure laser tattoo removal system, the industry leader in tattoo removal. Experience exceptional results with the best technology available, effectively treating and removing all ink colors in less time than other systems!

First of a new generation of aesthetic lasers that don’t rely solely on heat to burn unwanted tattoo ink or melanin, instead of building up heat, the PicoSure laser delivers energy so rapidly (in trillionths of a second) that tiny particles that make up pigment and tattoo ink vibrate and shatter, without burning surrounding tissue.

Our advanced laser operates at an impressive 755 nm wavelength, delivering powerful pulses that penetrate the skin’s surface to target tattoo ink. These bursts of light are absorbed by the ink, breaking it down into tiny particles that your body can naturally eliminate. 

At TCC, we also use the state-of-the-art MedLite® C6 laser platform to perform laser tattoo removal. Our advanced laser operates at an impressive 1064 nm nm wavelength, delivering powerful Q-Switched pulses that penetrate the skin’s surface to target tattoo ink. These bursts of light are absorbed by the ink, breaking it down into tiny particles that your body can naturally eliminate—just like it does with toxins and excess fluids. Experience a safe and effective way to remove your tattoo and reclaim your skin!

The prices quoted here are per session of laser tattoo removal, and depend on factors such as the amount of surface area that is covered, the amount of detail in the tattoo, and the variety of colors it contains.

If you want to have laser tattoo removal on more than one area, we have package prices available. Please ask your patient consultant about this. A general pricing guideline we use for each session is as follows:

  • 2 x 2 inches: $250 per session
  • 4 x 4 inches: $350 per session
  • Each inch after 4 x 4: $75 per inch, per session
The number of sessions necessary to achieve full results will vary based on the tattoo's features.

Cost of
Laser Tattoo Removal?

How is Laser Tattoo Removal Performed?

Before undergoing laser tattoo removal, you'll visit us for a consultation to determine whether this procedure will be effective for you.

During the procedure, the aesthetician-under the direction of a physician-will use the MedLite® C6 or PicoSure to direct short bursts of high- intensity light at your unwanted tattoo. Each pulse may create a sensation similar to a quick snap from a rubber band. Though the procedure is fairly painless and does not require anesthesia, you may request a topical anesthetic to reduce discomfort. The length of each session will vary depending on the size, color, and depth of your tattoo.

After the laser tattoo removal session is complete, your aesthetician will apply an antibacterial ointment to the treated area to reduce the risk of infection. The area may feel warm and be a bit red, but you should be able to return to normal daily activities immediately. However, you will not be able to swim, work out, or perform other activities that will cause your skin to get wet for 24 hours after the procedure.

About 6 to 12 weeks later, you'll return for your next session. This gives the ink time to break down and be expelled from your body, and reduces the chances of damaging your skin.

You're an ideal candidate for laser tattoo removal if you do not have any skin problems in the area where your tattoo is located, such as keloid scarring or a skin disorder, and you have realistic expectations of the procedure. If you have a history of abnormal scarring, laser tattoo removal may not be suitable for you. Your aesthetician will discuss this with you during your initial consultation.

How Long Does
Laser Tattoo Removal

Removing a tattoo is a gradual process. The effectiveness of laser tattoo removal relies on your body’s natural ability to expel the broken-up ink, which may occur quickly for some people, and more slowly for others.

It’s important to know that your tattoo will not simply disappear. Rather, it typically fades over a period of time following each session, which is part of why treatments are generally scheduled every 6 to 8 weeks. An average of 8 to 15 sessions (possibly more) may be required for professionally applied tattoos.

In the case of amateur tattoos, 4 or more treatments are the average. The exact number varies depending on such factors as the age of the tattoo, color of the ink, and what the ink was made from.

The R20 Technique

Another option you have available to you is the R20 technique. This groups up to four treatments into a single session, by spacing the laser passes 20 minutes apart. This completes tattoo removal much more quickly than the standard laser treatment.

Not all tattoos are good candidates for the R20 technique. Only small tattoos—and usually only ones created with black ink—respond to this technique. The number of sessions using this technique will depend on the type of ink that was used.

Why are Tattoos

The skin comprises several layers, two of which are the epidermis, or the outer layer, and the dermis, the layer directly under the epidermis. The epidermis constantly sheds skin cells, while the dermis remains constant and unchanged. When you get a tattoo, colored dye is injected past the epidermis into the dermis where the dye is sealed permanently into the skin as collagen hardens around it.

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Laser Tattoo Removal
Question & Answer

  • When will I see results?

    Patience is key! Laser tattoo removal is not a fast process. The tattoo will fade gradually over time. How fast it fades will depend on your body and health. During each session, your aesthetician will take photos so you may monitor your progress.

  • What kind of tattoos can be removed?

    Cosmetic tattoos (permanent makeup), amateur tattoos, and professional tattoos can be treated with laser tattoo removal.

  • Are there any colors that cannot be removed by the laser?

    All colors can be removed. However lighter ink colors will need more laser tattoo removal sessions than darker ones.

  • How long after I get a tattoo can I have it removed?

    You should wait at least one month for the tissues to heal, and then you can proceed with your first laser tattoo removal session.

  • What is laser tattoo removal recovery like?

    Immediately after a session, treated skin may be sensitive and appear white or red in color. In some cases, you may blister after the treatment. Make sure to keep the area covered and apply a topical antibacterial ointment.

    There is hardly any downtime after laser tattoo removal. You should be able to go back to work or resume most regular activities immediately after the procedure. However, swimming, hot tubs, baths and extreme exercising should be avoided for 24 hours after treatment. You may shower, but you need to keep the area bandaged and sealed so it doesn’t get wet.

    As with all treatments using lasers, the treated skin should be protected from sun exposure, which can increase your chances of scarring.

  • Can I undergo laser tattoo removal if I am pregnant?

    No. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, for the safety of your baby, we do not recommend you undergo any type of laser treatments.

  • What are the laser tattoo removal risks?

    Like all cosmetic and medical treatments, laser tattoo removal comes with certain risks. Aside from increased sensitivity, risks include pigmentation irregularities, infection, and scarring. If you are a skin type V (5) on the Fitzpatrick scale, your risk of permanent scarring is increased due to the large amount of melanin in your skin.

  • What are the laser tattoo removal side effects?

    You may experience some degree of blistering, peeling, or pinpoint bleeding. You may also see some swelling or slight bruising in the area that was treated. All of these effects will subside in a few days.

  • What is a Q-Switched laser?

    It’s a laser that emits an intense beam of light in short pulses. We use the MedLite® C6 Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser for laser tattoo removal because it more effectively breaks up tattoo ink into particles that can be eliminated by the body.

  • Will laser tattoo removal burn my skin?

    In short, no. Laser tattoo removal works by exposing the ink of the unwanted tattoo to light energy emitted at a specific wavelength. The ink—not the skin—absorbs the light, and disintegrates into particles that are then eliminated naturally by the body.


PicoSure is the first and only aesthetic picosecond laser for the safe and effective removal of tattoos, as well as acne scars, wrinkles and skin revitalization treatments.

The PicoSure Laser is cleared and safe to be used on ALL skin types including very light to darker skin tones.

What is
Picosure™- Pigmentation/ Skin Revitalization?

Our PicoSure pigmentation/ skin revitalization treatment can improve the look of your skin and give you a more youthful appearance. We are able to treat a wide variety of skin issues, including:

  • Freckles
  • Brown spots
  • Pigmented lesions
  • Wrinkles
  • Acne scars

 Because this laser has so many different functions, our specialist can treat many conditions and can customize a treatment plan just for you.

How does it work?

Many skincare lasers rely on heat to do the restorative work, but the PicoSure technology draws on light energy to rejuvenate your skin. Short, intense bursts of energy disturb the cells in our skin and induce the production of new collagen and elastin. The PicoSure laser creates microscopic “controlled wounds” that jump-start the skin’s natural repair process, boosting collagen and elastin production to help heal the area as your skin recovers. This process stimulates your skin to gain back its youthful appearance! Because PicoSure is safe and gentle, it can be used on many sensitive areas of the body, including the face, chest, hands, legs and more.

What is
PicoSure™- Laser Tattoo Removal ?

Cynosure’s PicoSure laser tattoo removal system goes above and beyond, delivering exceptional results with industry- leading technology. PicoSure is the best tattoo removal machine on the market, capable of successfully treating and removing all ink colours and hues in less time than other systems.

How does it work?

The PicoSure laser delivers ideal energy to the skin to efficiently shatter specific tattoo ink particles without damaging surrounding tissue. Throughout a treatment laser energy is delivered to the unwanted tattoo, targeting the ink and breaking it down into smaller particles. The tiny particles are then eliminated through the body’s natural processes, resulting in faster clearance with fewer treatments than traditional lasers.

What to Expect?

Patients have described treatments as feeling similar to the actual tattooing process. Your provider may offer numbing cream to minimize any possible discomfort throughout the treatment. Treating an average sized tattoo typically takes around 10 minutes. Treatments can be longer depending on the size of the tattoo being treated.

many sessions are recommended?


It is important to know that your tattoo will not disappear after 1 session. Rather it fades over a period of time following each session, which is why sessions are spaced 4-8 weeks apart. On average 8-15 sessions (and possible more) may be required for professionally applied tattoos. Factors such as age of the tattoo and colour of the ink will affect how many sessions you may need for removal.