What is
Sculptra® is composed of a volumizing agent known as poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA)- which is a sugar polymer. It is a biocompatible and biodegradable substance, the same material that is used in dissolvable sutures.
The injection of Sculptra® initiates the body’s own natural collagen production and then over time the PLLA fades, and is then replaced by the body’s own collagen. Facial wrinkles are softened and depressions in the skin are filled.
Sculptra® is suitable for both men and women over the age of 19, with healthy immune systems. It also contains lidocaine to make treatments more comfortable. A typical treatment will take about 30-60 minutes in clinic.
How Sculptra® helps improve wrinkles, deep folds and lost facial volume
How Sculptra® Helps to
Enhance the Buttocks
How Sculptra® Helps Acne Scarring
Cost of
What is poly-L-lactic acid?
Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) is a biodegradable (absorbed naturally by the body) and biocompatible sugar polymer. PLLA supports your body’s own collagen production, for beautiful, natural results that last longer when compared to temporary fillers.
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Sculptra® vs. Temporary Fillers
Who is not a Candidate for Sculptra®?