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You’re probably already aware that liposuction can remove fat. It’s an invasive, surgical procedure that requires sedation and recovery time. But what if you could remove fat without surgery, and without any downtime? Now you can.

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive method of eliminating unwanted fat from your body, specifically those stubborn areas that don’t respond to diet and exercise. CoolSculpting is an alternative name for an FDA-approved, proprietary procedure called Cryolipolysis®, in which fatty deposits are targeted with a cooling device that crystallizes the fat cells under the skin. This causes the fat cells to die, and then naturally be eliminated from the body. Once those fat cells are gone, the targeted area is reduced in size, leaving behind a smooth, contoured, sculpted area without the use of needles or surgical devices.

The Best CoolSculpting Candidates

How is CoolSculpting Performed?

Step-by-Step: CoolSculpting

The Science of CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting Cost

Areas That CoolSculpting Can Treat

Frequently Asked Questions

The Best
CoolSculpting Candidates

CoolSculpting works best on unwanted fat deposits in problematic areas such as the love handles (muffin top), abdomen, inner thighs, outer thighs, upper arms (bat wings), underneath the chin, and the male chest. It’s intended to target stubborn fat that you haven’t been able to get rid of through a healthy diet and regular exercise regimen. If you’re bothered by these pockets of excess fat, and you don’t want to undergo a surgical procedure, CoolSculpting may be the solution.

You’re an ideal candidate if you want to eliminate one centimeter to one inch of pinchable fat. Keep in mind that CoolSculpting is not a means of weight loss or a solution for obesity. It’s important to have realistic expectations of the kind of results CoolSculpting can offer.

If you need to remove a larger amount of pinchable fat, liposuction may be the better option for you. When you schedule a consultation, you can discuss these options with our professional surgical staff.

How is CoolSculpting

The first step is to schedule a consultation with our registered nurse who will answer all your questions about CoolSculpting, and discuss possible alternatives with you if you're not an ideal candidate. Once you've decided to proceed with CoolSculpting, our nurse will create a customized treatment plan to address the areas you want to target. We'll take some "before" photos so you'll be able to see the changes in your body after the procedure.

When the procedure begins, you'll lie on a treatment table in a position that will allow access to the areas to be treated. We'll clean and prep the treatment area, and then apply a thick layer of a cool gel on your skin.We'll position the CoolSculpting device onto the area, and you'll feel a slight suction motion. This is part of how the device works to ensure that only your area of concern is targeted.

You'll feel a cooling sensation on your skin, much like that of an ice pack being applied. The device will have to remain in place for about an hour. During this time, you can rest, watch TV, read, or use your mobile device (we provide Wi-Fi access in the clinic). Once the session is complete, you can return to your normal daily activities.

You may experience slight swelling and a “pins and needles” sensation for a few days after the CoolSculpting procedure. You may also return for a second or third session to enhance the results eight to sixteen weeks after the first session.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Toronto Cosmetic Clinic offers FREE consultation for all the procedures we perform. Come in and we’ll answer all your questions about the CoolSculpting procedure.
Call Us (416) 221-5554

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Step-by-Step: CoolSculpting

Before CoolSculpting, unwanted bulges and lumps of fat are present.
Controlled, prolonged, and targeted cooling of fat cells causes them to crystallize.
The frozen fat cells die off over time, and are naturally eliminated from the body.
The targeted layer of fat reduces in thickness, resulting in a sculpted, improved appearance.
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Cost of

The base CoolSculpting cost, per area, for one hour of treatment, starts at $750 plus tax. The total cost varies from patient to patient. It depends on how many areas are targeted, and how many treatments are necessary to achieve the desired results. The cost also depends on the applicator used for the treatment.
For example, a small applicator used to treat one side of the love handles starts at $750 plus tax, per hour. A larger applicator used to treat the lower abdominal region starts at $1,500 plus tax, per hour. Pairs, such as both love handles or the inner thighs, will require two applications, and therefore two hours of treatment time.
The more areas you want to treat, and the longer the treatments take, the higher the CoolSculpting cost. We offer package prices. Ask us how we can help you save on multiple treatments.

The Science of CoolSculpting

A treatment that uses the power of temperature to reduce stubborn deposits of fat that are diet- and exercise-resistant, CoolSculpting uses an FDA-approved, proprietary technology called Cryolipolysis®.

The technology works by exposing fat cells to cool temperatures for a prolonged period, causing them to undergo a controlled, programmed cell death. When this occurs, the number of fat cells is gradually reduced over time, which decreases the thickness of adipose tissue (fat cells) in the treated area.

Fat cells respond to extremely low temperatures much more quickly than other surrounding tissues such as skin, muscle and nerves. Because of this, and thanks to localized targeting, CoolSculpting technology only kills adipose tissue, and leaves surrounding tissues unharmed.

Once these fat cells are destroyed, the lipids (fats) that were once stored in these cells are sent to the lymphatic system where they are eliminated in a very similar way as the fats we ingest.

What Areas Can be Treated
with CoolSculpting?

The beauty of CoolSculpting is that the treatments are customized for you, based on your current body shape and your body image goals. Treatable areas include:

Abdomen (Upper and Lower)

Love Handles


Outer Thighs (Saddlebags)

Inner Thighs

Banana Roll (Area Under the Buttocks)

Bra Bulge (Upper Back)

Upper Arms

Underneath the Chin (Submentum)

Male Chest (Breasts)

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Question & Answer

  • When will I see results?

    Noticeable results begin to appear about three weeks after the session. Final results can take up to four months.

  • How many CoolSculpting sessions will I need?

    Some patients are happy with the results from just one session. To further enhance results and see a greater reduction of fat cells, a few other sessions can be performed, if you so choose.

  • Is CoolSculpting painful? What does it feel like during treatment?

    CoolSculpting is not painful. You’ll feel a small amount of suction, some tightness, and a cool sensation during the session. Many patients feel so comfortable that they take naps during their CoolSculpting sessions.

  • What does it feel like after the session?

    Results vary among patients, but you may experience a tingling sensation (much like the “pins and needles” feeling you get when your foot falls asleep), some numbness, and even slight swelling for a few days to a few weeks afterward.

  • How long does each CoolSculpting session take?

    One area takes roughly an hour to treat, but the total session time will depend on how many areas you want to treat.

  • Can I target more than one area in a session?

    Yes! This will increase the total length of the session and the cost, but can be more convenient for treating multiple areas.

  • Are CoolSculpting results permanent?

    Yes. Because the targeted fat cells are destroyed, their elimination from the body is permanent. We also encourage you to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen to further maintain your results.

  • What can I do to enhance my CoolSculpting results?

    No medications or supplements are needed to maximize your results. Massaging the area can be of benefit to some patients. We’ll show how to properly massage your targeted areas, if necessary. We also encourage you to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen to further maintain your results.

  • How do the results of CoolSculpting compare to liposuction?

    Liposuction does remove and eliminate a greater amount of fat cells from the body, but it is an invasive procedure that requires anesthesia, incisions and downtime. CoolSculpting is non-invasive, pain free, and is great for patients who want to reduce a smaller amount of fat with no downtime.

  • Who performs CoolSculpting?

    Sessions at TCC are performed by qualified medical aestheticians who are trained and certified in CoolSculpting. Your initial consultation will take place with a registered nurse, and treatments are overseen by a physician. Your safety is our highest priority.

  • Can I return to work after treatments?

    Yes! Not only can you return to work after your CoolSculpting treatments, you can return to all your other daily activities as well.

  • Is there any downtime after a session?

    No. The area may feel a bit tender and tingly after a CoolSculpting session, and some patients may experience some slight swelling. If this occurs, you may want to avoid wearing tight clothes or a bathing suit for a day or two.

  • What are the CoolSculpting side effects?

    Side effects may include one or more of the following: swelling, bruising, tingling sensation, numbness, and redness. Side effects are temporary, and will go away within a few weeks.

  • Who is not a good candidate?

    Women who are pregnant are not able to undergo CoolSculpting. If you have skin cancer or infected lesions, you also need to avoid this procedure. If you’re looking for a way to lose a large amount of weight or treat obesity, you should reconsider this treatment and look for an alternative. Also, patients with cold agglutinin disease, cryoglobulinemia or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria are not suitable candidates for CoolSculpting.